Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Learning my Repitoire

Today was Chess Club.

Unlike other Chess Club Days, this one started out EARLY. I put a lot of emphasis on it, but I guess noon isn't really that bad... I am just so used to waking up after noon every day, that it really put a damper on my outlook for the day.

I went over to Coach Mike's house around 10, we finished pulling together our proposal for Master Bruner at the TiaKwanDo academy, and then we decided to go by the studio to talk to Master Bruner himself. The only problem is that his secretary is the most difficult man to talk to ever. He lied to my face mutiple times today. I can only assume he thought I wouldn't find out.

Lucky for us, we have a very amiable contact at the other location that filled us in on the details. So, that's great!

At club, we discussed the summer camp we will be having for anyone interested in Chess Lessons. Coach Mike, Amy, and I all sat around and discussed the details of the event and how we could manage the time and location for such an event. We figured it all out and definately have a date now. We just needed to put together the flyers and the registration forms.

(And now I have to work out the paperwork for my insurance.)

I left club early to work a balloon gig for a friend of mine and didn't start heading back home until after 9.

On the way home, in the downpour of rain, I decided to stop at Coach Mike's place where he schooled me in a little chess. Well, we finished up our work we needed done, and then he had me play on ICC where he could watch what I was doing with my opponent. Together we are learning the best way to teach me chess.

I've memorized a bunch of his opening repitoire already... I just need to learn how to apply it.

So, I believe the schedule is as follows:

-I show up for a Lesson
-I play a game on ICC with Coach Mike looking over my schoulder and close enough for me to ask a question if I need him
-Afterward we look over the game and find what part of the Warbook I need to study

With that, and regular tournament play (coming soon, I hope), I should be on my way to raising my rating well above average.

So, we'll see how that goes...

Now, Off to bed so that I can wake up and attack some more chess tomorrow...

In the begining...

Okay... So, I've been playing chess for almost a year now. However, this is my journey from beginner towards (hopefully) master.

Currently I have a rating so low that I don't even know what it is. I believe it is somewhere around 950. So, I'm working to build it up from there.

I'm wokring with a GREAT chess coach and I've seen some improvement in just the little time I've worked with him.

This will be a blog where I can write about all things chess.

Eventually I'll be teaching chess in schools and I'll be giving private lessons myself to beginners. I know there's no better way to improve and learn than to teach a subject myself. So, I'm working on it. I'm attempting to get clients before I finish my lessons myself.

On that Journey, I'll be adding tactical worksheets, lines I'm learning, and all kinds of crazy stuff.

At this point, I'm playing e4. I try and play the Ruy Lopez, but I have a number of other lines and such that I'm learning as well within the system I'm learning to play. In the Michael Hoffer's Chess Academy, I'm learning to play the Kings Indian Attack and the Kings Indian Defence.

Yeah, I'm excited... .

So, until next time... ;-)